With two cats in the yard... Ok so not really unless they are the neighbors.
We bought our house five years ago. It is a three bedroom Cape. When we got the house EVERY room was wallpapered. And we are not talking modern wallpaper, we are talking about late 70's early 80's wall paper. The people that owned it before us never did a thing to it.
We bought our house five years ago. It is a three bedroom Cape. When we got the house EVERY room was wallpapered. And we are not talking modern wallpaper, we are talking about late 70's early 80's wall paper. The people that owned it before us never did a thing to it.
So the first day we moved in we peeled all the wallpaper in my bedroom. within a week it was painted a lovely calming shade of brown. Next was the kitchen and the living room. They were separated by a wall with a little arched doorway. Down went the wall! We opened it up to a ten foot opening and now the two rooms are more one room. Yay! Down went the big ole shelving unit they had built into the wall. Oh two more feet of space on the whole wall! Now off comes the white wainscoting and the ugly dark blue with red striped wallpaper. Uck! What were they thinking? After a lot of work the wall is now mustard yellow. The kitchen... wallpaper gone out of there. New(OK so they were old but they were new to me) cabinets put along one wall and an island was added. Got a dishwasher and new granite looking countertops. tile back splash and now all new stainless appliances. Whew. Now that is done. Whats next?
One summer Grandma visited from Florida and decided that she needed to peel all the wallpaper in the upstairs bedroom. Oh goodness thanks Gram we weren't ready to tackle up there yet.... So we didn't. It was by far the biggest mess of the house.
So about a month ago we decided to tackle this project. Reiley's room was painted a bright green and bright yellow. Has accents of Pinks, blues oranges and purple. This is a bright room but is totally Reiley. She is a bright cheerful kid. This room makes you happy walking in it. Until it's a mess of course. 

The bathroom. Now this was a mess. The vanity was self made(by someone other than myself that is) with an ugly yellow formica countertop. This and all the trim in the house were a dingy off white color. I painted all the trim and cabint brite white and we got new fixtures for the doors of the vanity. My father in law did tiles for the new countertop. We got a new sink faucet and toilet. Painted the room a wonderful blue and I made the mirrors... Yes. I know I need curtains in here. I'm working on it. they have to be perfect. Ok ok enough talkie already. I'll show you some pictures...